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Intelligent Booking System for Webex Teams

David Perlis, COO
June 7, 2018

The proper workspace, or meeting room, is a key requirement to having productive, collaborative work sessions. Users need the right sized space; the right room features and shouldn’t struggle with the logistics of booking these spaces. 

We have all been in the situation where we are forced book a smaller room than is needed because there is nothing else available. Then as you make your way to your meeting, you walk past countless meeting rooms where half the seats are empty, any one of which could have easily used your smaller room allowing you to conduct your meeting in a suitably sized space. 

As part of its Meeting Solutions portfolio, the Stack8 team has created the Intelligent Booking System using Webex Teams, Proximity, Exchange & Graph. The Intelligent Booking System is designed to ensure optimal utilization of your meeting rooms while facilitating the process of booking them. It’s like having someone proactively overseeing your room bookings to ensure the greatest ROI on your meeting room investments.

How does the Intelligent Booking System for Webex Teams work? Through Octo you can :

 It is as simple as writing a message in Webex Teams. The user simply needs to ask the virtual assistant “Octo” to book a meeting, and Octo will then take the user step-by-step through the process of booking the ideal meeting room.


Booking a meeting


Octo will also map out the rooms location for all attendees.

Meeting Rooms

Finally, Octo will send attendees a meeting room confirmation email.

Booked meeting email

Coffee Anyone?

Octo can also be programmed to do other tasks, including ordering refreshments like coffee or water to be delivered to the meeting room.  

Coffee is coming

What if no meeting rooms are available?

If no meeting rooms are available, the Intelligent Booking System will look for the next available room that meets the scheduling requirements of all attendees. It will ask if the proposed new time is acceptable and then automatically book the room.

Book another room

Empty Meeting Rooms

For many organizations, one of the most frustrating things is to be looking for a meeting room, not finding one, only to realize that the one you wanted was booked but remained empty because someone else either neglected to cancel their meeting it, or free up the room for others.

The Intelligent Booking System monitors your meetings and will notify you automatically if your meeting room is not being used at the scheduled time.

Release a meeting room 

Meetings Running Long

You have your agenda, objectives, and talking points all set out. You have rehearsed it down to the second, but for some reason, your meeting still runs long. This happens all of the time for many reasons, and you should not have to spend valuable time scrambling to extend your session.

The Intelligent Booking System will help alleviate the stress associated with meetings running over their scheduled times by alerting the host 5 minutes before its conclusion, asking them if they would like to extend the session.

Extend a meeting-1

Every minute you’re paying people to be unproductive is not only money wasted, but opportunity wasted to make progress on a project. Having automation tools behind your Cisco Webex Meetings solution will help your business outperform those other time-wasters.

Get a sneak peek of the Intelligent Booking System at Cisco Live

If you are heading to Cisco Live make sure you stop by the Stack8 booth to see how the Intelligent Booking System can help you and your team automate the meeting room booking experience. To schedule a meeting with the Stack8 team at Cisco Live, please click here.

The Stack8 booth is located in the Collaboration Village – Pod C17.

Do not worry, if you are not heading to Cisco Live private demonstration of the Intelligent Booking System are also available to your organization.


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