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Not Communicating As You Should? We Should Talk About Webex

Steven Karachinsky, CEO Steven Karachinsky, CEO August 20, 2019

I want you to take a minute and think about how much of your day is actually consumed by meetings. Think about how many of those are in person vs. on the phone. How many of the participants are remote or traveling? How many actually involve a conferencing solution for content share or video? Did the meeting start on time? As obnoxious an exercise as this might appear, it’s not in vain and done to simply illustrate just how much of our time is consumed in meetings. While some meetings are better than others – simply put meetings are where we get things done, collaborate with our team, interface with our customers; you get the point.

According to the National Statistics Council, 37% of an employee’s time is spent in meetings. How do you compare? Whether it be higher or lower, it’s imperative that you get the most out of your communications no matter their form. To have better communications, we have to start looking at how we are communicating and ask ourselves, why are we communicating like this? Specifically, what I mean is what’s the point of the meeting, who’s involved, what do you hope to accomplish at the end of the meeting?

When you start thinking of meetings from this perspective, the question of how you have the meeting starts to become more apparent. For example, if you are in Sales and having conference calls using just the phone. How do you know everyone is actively engaged? You’re probably right I doubt anyone is multitasking or checking their phone. Studies show 93% percent of communication is non-verbal, now I’m not saying you will close 93% more business but how much more engaging and focused could your meetings be with a new medium like video?

You could take this approach with other types of meetings and start to produce more effective results. This has carryover to things like Instant Messaging and Group Team Collaboration, Video Conferencing, Calling, and Contact Center. Lucky for you, Cisco has an industry-leading platform Webex that brings all of these things together, making the end-user experience an enjoyable and productive one. The end-user experience is paramount, and with your employees and customers perception is a reality. Utilizing Cisco Webex simplifies and helps streamline the administrative and operational overhead that comes with supporting these services.

You combine this with the subscription-based consumption model it not only provides technical and operational certainty but financial certainty as well. Cisco Webex solutions are designed to be scalable for growing businesses. No matter how few or how many employees are a part of your team, you can have the peace of mind knowing that all communications are scalable in times of turnover or growth. No employee will be left out of the loop when it comes to streamlining communication in an efficient and effective way.

We at Stack8 as a deeply specialized Cisco UC partner are in a unique position to help you and your organization. Reach out today and let us show you how you can improve the meeting experience and your overall communication services strategy.

Available Cisco Webex Solutions offered by Stack8

Cisco Webex Calling – Parlay:  

Parlay is a fully hosted UC solution that delivers all the features of a traditional PBX through a flexible subscription service. It is based upon the three pillars of Cisco Webex: Calling, Meetings, and Collaboration in combination with Stack8 services to provide a truly impactful end-user experience to your employees and customers. With Parlay, you can now benefit from the entire Cisco Webex platform providing consistency across all collaboration modes – calling, hardware devices, software applications, meetings, and team collaboration.

Cisco Webex Contact Center:  

Cisco Webex Contact Center is a unified, omnichannel contact center solution that is centrally managed and administered from the cloud to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. Webex Contact Center gives you control over every incoming and outgoing interaction from a central point, regardless of organization, technology, or location.

Stack8 is the first company in Canada to achieve Cisco Webex Contact Center Authorization and one of a handful of partners in the United States.

Cisco Webex Teams Pilot:  

Cisco Webex Teams Pilot makes it easy for everyone to work together in one place and in real-time. The Webex Teams Pilot is about using Webex to create simple, intuitive collaboration experiences and full Webex integration.

On average, 11 million meetings are held in U.S. workplaces each day, and employees on average attend 62 meetings each month. Understanding the full range of advantages and capabilities that come with investing in Cisco Webex and cloud telephony technology combined with Stack8 Professional Services are key to making the best communication decisions for your business. For more information about Cloud Telephony tools, including Cisco Webex, contact Stack8.

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