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ZIRO Wins Multiple Industry Awards

August 21, 2024

ZIRO recently won multiple prestigious awards, a testament to its team’s hard work and dedication. The following video is an interview with Seven Karachinsky, ZIRO CEO, discussing the awards and what they mean to the team.

Steven’s key points include:

  • Teamwork: The awards resulted from the collective effort of the ZIRO team and are a sign of the team’s dedication.
  • Momentum drives more: The recognition has fueled the team’s motivation to achieve even greater things.
  • Internal recognition: The awards validate the team’s efforts and boost morale.
  • Industry respect: Winning against esteemed competitors is a significant accomplishment.
  • Customer focus: These awards validate ZIRO’s approach to supporting customers.
  • Business evolution: The company’s strategic decisions have paid off.
  • Positive industry aspects: The Microsoft community’s enthusiasm and Microsoft’s openness are appreciated.
  • Channel partnerships: Collaboration with channel partners opens doors to new opportunities.

Overall, ZIRO is excited about its achievements and is poised for continued success.