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If you could save $100,000 and add ROI, would you?

Steven Karachinsky, CEO Steven Karachinsky, CEO September 24, 2020

The cold hard reality of this year is taking its toll. As Q3 2020 quickly comes to a close, IT departments globally are being pressed to do as much as they can, wherever they can to ensure a bright outcome for an otherwise dark year in history.

However, the challenge is that far too many IT departments are being asked the impossible. As budgets and staff are being reduced, corporate goals still hold fast—this translates to outcome versus the reality of people, bandwidth, and dollars not balancing out. Here’s an example: an IT department is tasked with everything— business-as-usual as it pertains to keeping the lights on by ensuring all systems and all people in their jobs are running at normal to high capacity. The question becomes, how do you run at normal to high capacity with a reduced IT team and a slashed budget?

On the best day, with a full team of experts, those same lights eat up a tremendous amount of bandwidth: a full team trying to accommodate tech support, changes, adds—everything that takes time and patience to get right. And if we were to remove every other IT system from that equation, Unified Communications is guaranteed to be one of the most prominent of culprits.

The problem is that UC is now the lifeblood of most organizations. It not only represents the daily communications practices of the pre-pandemic world, but also it now represents the only way that companies can maintain a remote workforce to connect employees and customers. This imperative, mission-critical era and application of the technology, taxes IT teams more than ever. And to add insult to injury, every other system that the business relies on also requires the usual, if not extra, care and feeding—effort and time multiplied exponentially.

Oh, but I’m not done. As teams are reduced due to cost-saving measures, those big digital transformation projects aimed at making the company soar above its competitors, all to garner market share and add to the bottom line—yeah, those are still needed as well. Again, in the era of a global pandemic any differentiator or so-called leg up is a must to rise to the occasion—projects that can and will make or break an organization.

So here we all are, tasked with unbelievably important projects, all under shrinking budgets and teams. With all that pressure where does one go from here?

Here’s where managed, hosted, or cloud services are saving the day. Companies can alleviate the mundane yet mission-critical aspects of UC to allow for greater bandwidth to accomplish the real tasks.

More so, these alternate models become a far better choice for a variety of other reason as well, resulting in access to UC professionals who can help maintain systems while remaining evergreen in their application, avoiding otherwise painful hardware and software upgrades that take too much time, effort, and resources. Again, things that add on to the ever-growing pile of IT tasks.

Here’s the greatest part in all this. An average medium-sized enterprise saves $100,000+ in people-based hours and expense—all of which can be immediately reallocated back to all the other aforementioned tasks. And the ROI doesn’t stop there. The expertise brought to the table can further accelerate a lot of those digital transformation projects. From industry best practices, to a profound understanding of all UC systems—there is far too much ROI to even list.

Everyone is strapped, everyone is tired, and everyone must complete their respective goals no matter how hard it might be. But saving money while adding exponential ROI is an immediate solution to a lot of 2020 woes. And if you’d like to learn more, download this eBook on our Hosted Unified Communications service—it will add far more insight than just my usual rants 😉

+Read the eBook Here

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