Join our mission to make IT hassle-free.
At ZIRO we use Who: The A Method for Hiring. The Who Method is a thorough multistage interview process that focuses on Scorecard, Screening, Career, Skills, and References.
We’re obsessed with giving our customers the most hassle-free experience ever. We do that by helping them figure out how to find, buy, deploy, and support their unified communications technology.
You have the grit and determination to help us become a billion-dollar enterprise. You have the guts to blow s**t up, but you’re not afraid to own it and get it done.
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Health and Dental
“There is a quote saying that when you pick a job, pick the one with a great leader. The executives at ZIRO (formerly Stack8) make sure the corporate culture is open, friendly, and supportive.”
Unified Communications Jobs
Our goal is to make unified communications simple and easy. We do that by making IT and help desk teams look like rockstars by giving them the technology they need and the service delivery they want. We need people like you to help us.